Flight CRM
Combination of ML + Formulas, automations of new age, which enable teachers & administrators to automate large amounts of paperwork.

Information Architecture
UI/UX Design
Progressive Web Application
Key Deliverables
UX Design
UX Architecture
UI Design
UI Kit
Re-defining the way Flight Schools manage business.
Flight Ninja was developed to facilitate the day to day processes behind a private flight school. To fully understand the workflow of the school, our founder went into their office for a day to analyze and understand the shortcomings in person. After a day spent in office, we were able to develop a list of failures in the current system and platform being used and then further recommend some potential solutions both short and long term to the company.
Development process
After confirmation of the different strategies and priorities, development commenced. During development some important features that became increasingly complex required a redesign of a new and upgraded system called the ‘Sched-O-Matic’. This system allowed what was normally a very lengthy and manual process to something much quicker and more reliant on the computer algorithm to handle rather than human error. Additionally, we were able to condense some further parts that allowed for human error to be more dependent upon our code. This included building in validation of availability of clients, instructors, and equipment then considering next equipment check maintenance, and status automatically.